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Meanwhile... a biography of Milton Caniff (Mientras tanto... una biografia de Milton Caniff) Es la biografia definitiva del gran autor estado unidense Milton caniff, realizada por Robert C. Harley, Caricaturista y esperto en el mundo de la historieta, el libro constade 90 paginas que detallan vida y obra de de este autor que ha dejado su hulla en la historia de la historieta mundial
Meanwhile... a biography of Milton Caniff è la "biografia definitiva" del grande autore statunitense Milton Caniff, realizzata da Robert C. Harvey, cartoonist ed esperto di fumetti. 950 pagine per raccontare in dettaglio vita e opere di un autore che ha segnato la storia del fumetto mondiale.
"Milton Caniff is one of the few authentic giants in the history of cartooning: his achievements in the comic strip form set standards by which all storytelling strips were subsequently judged. Caniff became one of the profession's youngest nationally syndicated comic strip cartoonists in 1933 with Dickie Dare, and he rose to prominence during World War II when he took the characters of his Terry and the Pirates into the war. The trenchant pragmatic ..." Full article: RCHarvey.
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