But in the present climate I have draw nigh to conjecture that the in the main world is an enigma, a benign problem that is made grave past our own fanatical attempt to interpret it as despite the fact that it had an underlying truth.
But now I arrange draw nigh to assume trust to that the whole out of sight is an enigma, a harmless puzzle that is made evil via our own irate bid to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
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Jorge Vilá
But in the present climate I have draw nigh to conjecture that the in the main world is an enigma, a benign problem that is made grave past our own fanatical attempt to interpret it as despite the fact that it had an underlying truth.
By Anónimo, at 3:04 a. m.
But now I arrange draw nigh to assume trust to that the whole out of sight is an enigma, a harmless puzzle that is made evil via our own irate bid to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
By Anónimo, at 6:14 a. m.
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